Assume you see one young child hit another. What are you going to do?
Play Nicely™ The Healthy Discipline Handbook offers you 20 options to consider. Even if you only have a few minutes, go to the “20 options” tab and review the discipline strategies that you are most interested in learning about! You will quickly learn ideas that you can use with children under your care at home or in school.
Play Nicely: The Healthy Discipline Handbook is based upon the Play Nicely multimedia program. Developed at Vanderbilt University, the Play Nicely program teaches discipline strategies that can be used for children ages 1 through 10 years. The handbook is a culmination of knowledge from testing the Play Nicely program over the past 15 years. The program efficiently and effectively builds skills for parents, teachers, and health care professionals.
This 40-page handbook, written at the 8th grade level, is made of durable, high-quality paper with tabs. Who can use the handbook?
• Parents and others who care for young children, ages 1 through 10 years. Use this resource year after year to refresh your memory about the best ways to discipline. Share the book with others who care for your child.
• Health care professionals. This sturdy handbook is a time-saving way to provide education for parents.
• Teachers. This handbook is an excellent resource for parents of children in your classroom.
The Play Nicely™ Healthy Discipline Handbook is presently available for $13.99 (plus $4.99 shipping & handling per copy). Please contact us if you would like to get copies of the handbook in bulk for distribution within your organization.
Play Nicely™ The Healthy Discipline Handbook
Play Nicely™ The Healthy Discipline Handbook